A view along the Alzette
A view along the Alzette
An old tower sits on the other side of a stone bridge
An old fort with two round towers flanking its entrance, now an art museum
A tunnel in a fort, light shines in the other end
A lone bee at work in the ruins of an old fortress
A suspended path beneath an old stone bridge
A pigeon sits on her nest tucked into a bridge support
A monument to those lost in the Holocaust
A well-landscaped park as seen from a vantage point
Public offices for the European Parliament
Historical painted buildings in Trier’s main square
Gorgeous old German houses in Hauptmarkt
Stained glass in Trier Cathedral
Old Roman ruins in Trier
A tower on an ancient Roman gate
Ancient Roman baths in Trier
The Electoral Palace in Trier
Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek der Stadt Trier, Stadtarchiv und Schatzkammer
A plaque outside Karl Marx’s birthplace