Coastal Brown Bear
A female coastal brown bear
A female coastal brown bear
A female brown bear flees a male
A brown bear acknolwedges the camera while running
A female brown bear flees a male
A female grizzly looks for any lurking dangers
A male grizzly bear follows a female
A male grizzly is on the search for love
A female brown bear heads out during low tide for some clams
A mama brown bear and her two cubs
A mama brown bear and her cubs are ever vigilant
Bear tracks in the mud
Landscape of Lake Clark National Park
The peak of the volcano Iliamna
The helicopter that took us on our bear safari
Christine all set and ready for takeoff
A navigational compass
A sightseeing plane flies through a valley
Helicopter is the best way to see bears, floatplanes tend to travel in packs
A Bald Eagle with ruffled feathers perches on some communications equipment
Red roofed cabins create a cozy space to relax
A bulk carrier waits to take on cargo
Islands in the Salish Sea
Two adult Bald Eagles take care of a pair of juveniles
A raptor perched on a granite rock jetty
A lighttower on the Stevetson Jetty
A California Sea Lion basks on the Stevetson Jetty
A humpback whale makes a waterspout while feeding
A whale watching boat looks where a humpback had just surfaced
A seagull defends a starfish it stole from another gull