Before contacting me, please read the following short statement.
I do not accept guest posts or solicited content. If you want to email me, please keep it short and sweet, and then I am more likely to respond.
I am happy to accept requests to speak at conferences in 2022. Please email me. I am speaking about Data Mesh, Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning, Data Ethics, and various data science topics. I am also happy to speak about career progression for data professionals. If you would like code or slides from any of my talks, please email me, I am happy to oblige.
I am happy to provide background information regarding the following topics:
I will not go on the record without a preliminary discussion. For comment, please email me. I will not respond to requests for on-the-record comment with a submission deadline of less than 24 hours unless we already know each other.
I am not actively using Twitter and will probably not respond to DMs. Please do not DM me links that you want me to share.
I am retired from that activism and do not want that information. Any other information I have I have already made available. I cannot tell you what to do with information about someone’s sketchy social media ties or posts. Please seek out your local activist community.
I am always open to receive thanks or criticism offered in good faith. I am not open to receiving threats or rude emails. I cannot promise I will respond, but I will try.
Posted: 30.12.2021
Built: 25.03.2025
Updated: 27.05.2023
Hash: 1d5ecdb
Words: 291
Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes